- WED July 22
- 8:30AM — registration desk opens
- 9AM-9:15 AM — conference intro, Ben Goertzel (video)
- 9:15 – 10:30AM — Tutorial, “Evaluation of intelligent systems: task-oriented or ability-oriented?” , José Hernández-Orallo (slides | video)
- 10:30-11AM coffee break
- 1:30 – 3:00PM, Tutorial by Alexey Potapov on “Minimum Description Length and AGI” (slides | video)
- 12:30-1:30 Lunch
- 11AM-12:30PM — Tutorial, “Connecting AGI Systems to Humanoid Robots: Benefits, Lessons and Challenges”, Ben Goertzel, David Hanson and Sophia the Robot (video)
- 3:00 Coffee Break
- THURS July 23
- 8:30AM — registration desk opens
- 9-9:15 AM — conference intro, Ben Goertzel
- 9:15-10:30AM— keynote by Juergen Schmidhuber on “The Deep Learning RNNassiance” (slides | video)
- 10:30 – 11 coffee break
- 12:45-1:45 lunch
- 3:00-3:30 coffee break
- FRI July 24
- 9-10:15AM — keynote by Frank Wood on Probabilistic Programming (slides | video)
In the evening Dr. Wood also gave an impromptu tutorial for interested AGI-15 attendees using Anglican’s getting started guide. - 10:15-10:30AM – discussion
- 10:30AM – coffee break
- 12:15-1:15 lunch
- 1:15-2:15PM — Special Presentation by GoodAI, “The GoodAI Brain Simulator: Prototyping AI Architectures” (video)
- 3:30 – 4:00PM – coffee break
- 4:00 – 6:00PM – Poster Boasters (video)
- 6 – 8PM — Awards, Poster viewing session, and reception
- 9-10:15AM — keynote by Frank Wood on Probabilistic Programming (slides | video)
- SAT July 25
- 10:45AM – coffee break
- 11:15AM-12:45PM – Workshop on Self-Reference and Self-Models for Cognitive Architectures. Led by Frank Bergmann
- Lunch
- 1:45PM-3:15PM – Workshop on Distributed Agency and AGI. Led by Weaver (David Weinbaum) and Viktoras Veitas, Global Brain Institute, Free University of Brussels
- 3:15PM-3:45PM — coffee break
- 3:45PM – 6:15PM. Workshop on Socioeconomic Implications of AGI. Led by Ben Goertzel
Contributed Talks Sessions
Contributed talks are up to 18 minutes long. Each Talk Session ends with a panel discussion of 15-25 minutes.
- Session 1: Philosophy of AI
- Session 2: Evaluation
- Kristinn R. Thórisson, Jordi Bieger, Stephan Schiffel and Deon Garrett (pdf | slides | video)
Towards Flexible Task Environments for Comprehensive Evaluation of Artificial Intelligent Systems & Automatic Learners - José Hernández-Orallo (pdf | slides | video)
Stochastic Tasks: Difficulty and Levin Search - Javier Insa-Cabrera and José Hernández-Orallo (pdf | slides | video)
Instrumental Properties of Social Testbeds - Nader Chmait, David Dowe, David Green and Yuan-Fang Li (pdf | slides | video)
Observation, Communication and Intelligence in Agent-Based Systems - Panel discussion (video)
- Kristinn R. Thórisson, Jordi Bieger, Stephan Schiffel and Deon Garrett (pdf | slides | video)
- Session 3: Cognitive Architectures
- Tarek Richard Besold, Kai-Uwe Kühnberger, Artur D’Avila Garcez, Alessandro Saffiotti, Martin Fischer and Alan Bundy (pdf | slides | video)
Anchoring Knowledge in Interaction: Towards a harmonic subsymbolic/symbolic framework and architecture of computational cognition - Frank Bergmann and Brian Fenton (pdf | slides | video)
Scene Based Reasoning - Paul S. Rosenbloom, Jonathan Gratch and Volkan Ustun (pdf | slides | video)
Towards Emotion in Sigma: From Appraisal to Attention - Panel discussion (video)
- Tarek Richard Besold, Kai-Uwe Kühnberger, Artur D’Avila Garcez, Alessandro Saffiotti, Martin Fischer and Alan Bundy (pdf | slides | video)
- Session 4: Methods of Inference
- Vita Batishcheva and Alexey Potapov (pdf | slides | video)
Genetic Programming on Program Traces as an Inference Engine for Probabilistic Languages - Ben Goertzel, Nil Geisweiller, Eddie Monroe, Mike Duncan, Selamawit Yilma, Meseret Dastaw, Misgana Bayetta, Amen Belayneh, Matthew Ikle and Gino Yu (pdf | video)
Speculative Scientific Inference via Synergetic Combination of Probabilistic Logic and Evolutionary Pattern Recognition - Susumu Katayama (pdf | video)
Towards Human-Level Inductive Functional Programming - Nate Soares and Benja Fallenstein (pdf | slides | video)
Two Attempts to Formalize Counterpossible Reasoning in Deterministic Settings - Panel discussion (video)
- Vita Batishcheva and Alexey Potapov (pdf | slides | video)
- Session 5: Universal Algorithmic Intelligence
- Benja Fallenstein, Nate Soares and Jessica Taylor (pdf | slides | video)
Reflective Variants of Solomonoff Induction and AIXI - Peter Sunehag and Marcus Hutter (pdf | video)
Using Localization and Factorization to Reduce the Complexity of Reinforcement Learning - Eray Özkural (pdf | video)
Ultimate Intelligence Part I: Physical Completeness and Objectivity of Induction
Winner of the Kurzweil Prize for Best AGI Idea - Panel discussion (video)
- Benja Fallenstein, Nate Soares and Jessica Taylor (pdf | slides | video)
- Session 6: Time and Resource Bounds
- Pei Wang and Patrick Hammer (pdf | slides | video)
Issues in Temporal and Causal Inference - Eric Nivel, Kristinn R. Thórisson, Bas Steunebrink and Jürgen Schmidhuber (pdf | slides | video)
Anytime Bounded Rationality - Abdul Rahim Nizamani, Jonas Juel, Ulf Persson and Claes Strannegård (pdf | slides | video)
Bounded Cognitive Resources and Arbitrary Domains
Winner of the Cognitive Science Society Prize for Best Student Paper - Panel discussion (video)
- Pei Wang and Patrick Hammer (pdf | slides | video)
- Session 7: Motivation and Safety
- Jordi Bieger, Kristinn R. Thórisson and Pei Wang (pdf | slides | video)
Safe Baby AGI - Can Eren Sezener (pdf | slides | video)
Inferring human values for safe AGI design - Joscha Bach (pdf | video)
Modeling Motivation in MicroPsi 2
Winner of the Kurzweil Prize for Best AGI Paper - Roman Yampolskiy (pdf | slides | video)
The Space of Possible Mind Designs - Panel discussion (video)
- Jordi Bieger, Kristinn R. Thórisson and Pei Wang (pdf | slides | video)
Posters will be allotted 5 minutes each for oral presentation in the Poster Boaster Session, right before the Poster Session.
- Ute Schmid and Marco Ragni (pdf | video)
Comparing Computer Models Solving Number Series Problems - Claes Strannegård, Simone Cirillo and Johan Wessberg (pdf | video)
Emotional Concept Development - Mayank Daswani and Jan Leike (pdf | video)
A Definition of Happiness for Reinforcement Learning Agents - Marc Halbrügge, Michael Quade and Klaus-Peter Engelbrecht (pdf | video)
How can Cognitive Modeling Benefit from Ontologies? Evidence from the HCI Domain - Chiaki Sakama and Katsumi Inoue (pdf | video)
Can Machines Learn Logics? - Arthur Franz (pdf | video)
Toward tractable universal induction through recursive program learning - Alexey Potapov, Vita Batishcheva and Sergey Rodionov (pdf | video)
Optimization Framework with Minimum Description Length Principle for Probabilistic Programming - Vitaly Khudobakhshov, Andrey Pitko and Denis Zotov (pdf | video)
Programming languages and artificial general intelligence - Abram Demski (pdf | video)
Expression Graphs: Unifying Factor Graphs and Sum-Product Neworks - Roman Yampolskiy (pdf | video)
Analysis of Types of Self-Improving Software - Roman Yampolskiy (pdf | video)
On the Limits of Recursively Self-Improving AGI - Jose Hernandez-Orallo (pdf | video)
C-tests revisited: back and forth with complexity - Joerg Zimmermann, Henning Henze and Armin Cremers (pdf | video)
Gödel Agents in a Scalable Synchronous Agent Framework - Marjorie McShane and Sergei Nirenburg (pdf | video)
Decision-Making During Language Understanding by Intelligent Agents - Ruiting Lian, Changle Zhou, Ben Goertzel, Rodas Solomon, Amen Belayneh and Gino Yu (pdf | video)
From Specialized Syntax to General Logic: The Case of Comparatives - Zoltan Toser and Andras Lorincz (pdf | video)
The Cyber-Physical System Approach towards Artificial General Intelligence: The Problem of Verification - Jochen Kerdels and Gabriele Peters (pdf | video)
A New View on Grid Cells Beyond the Cognitive Map Hypothesis - Lydia Ould Ouali, Charles Rich and Nicolas Sabouret (pdf | video)
Plan Recovery in Reactive HTNs Using Symbolic Planning