The 17th Annual AGI Conference


The AGI-24 Conference features workshops, keynote talks, AGI research technical paper presentations, focused on consideration for creating machines that think.

*Schedule subject to change, all times in PST









Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam consectetur, odio vitae pretium dignissim, est turpis vulputate turpis, sagittis vulputate urna felis vel erat. Sed ut pretium enim. In luctus, purus ut ullamcorper hendrerit, massa dui volutpat lacus, a sagittis neque odio vel velit.
Donec vel tortor id velit commodo elementum. Curabitur varius dictum est id tempor. Nullam ex elit, varius in rutrum id, lobortis id nisi. Aliquam bibendum diam et sem auctor, quis lacinia turpis mollis.

8:15am – 8:50am

Doors Open

Doors Open

8:15am – 8:50am

Morning Session

9am to 12.15pm (incl. Coffee Break 10.30am - 10.45am)

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam consectetur, odio vitae pretium dignissim, est turpis vulputate turpis, sagittis vulputate urna felis vel erat. Sed ut pretium enim. In luctus, purus ut ullamcorper hendrerit, massa dui volutpat lacus, a sagittis neque odio vel velit.
Donec vel tortor id velit commodo elementum. Curabitur varius dictum est id tempor. Nullam ex elit, varius in rutrum id, lobortis id nisi. Aliquam bibendum diam et sem auctor, quis lacinia turpis mollis.

Room 1
Workshop - Location: Husky Union Building, Room 145 -

This will be an all day workshop, with coffee and lunch breaks.

Morning Session Theme will be: Dive into MeTTa language and technologies
Hosted by: Ben Goertzel, Alexey Potapov, Matt IklÃĐ

  • Instructions will be provided for setting up MeTTa on a personal computer, so that you can work alongside the workshop demos.
9:00-9:20Introduction and MotivationBen Goertzel
9:20-10:00MeTTa Fundamentals
Installation, “Hello world!”â€Ķ
Alexey / Vitaly
10:00-10:30MeTTa Under the HoodVitaly
10:30-10:45Coffee Break 
10:45-11:15Advanced MeTTa examplesAlexey
11:15-12:45Approaches to Scalable MeTTa Interpretation and CompilationGreg (Zipper Machines)/ Adam (MORK)/ Doug (MeTTaLog)/ Vitaly Khudobakhshov(Kotlin Compiler)


Room 2
Tutorial - Location: Husky Union Building, Room 340 -

Hosted by: Anton Kolonin, Aigents/SingularityNET

Note: Workshop runs 2.5 hrs, 9:00am to 11:30am

While general conversational intelligence (GCI) can be considered one of the core aspects of AGI, the fields of AGI and NLP currently have little overlap, with few existing AGI architectures capable of comprehending natural language and nearly all NLP systems founded upon specialized, hardcoded rules and language-specific frameworks. This workshop is centered around the idea of INLP, an extension of the interpretable AI (IAI) concept to NLP; INLP allows for acquisition of natural language, comprehension of textual communications, and production of textual messages in a reasonable and transparent way. The proposed presentations regarding Link Grammar (LG), unsupervised LG learning, interpretable NLG/NLS, and sentiment mining/topic matching cover various INLP methods that may bring a greater degree of GCI to proto-AGI pipelines. 

During the workshop

Anton Kolonin will present “Interpretable Natural Language Processing Fundamental Studies and Applied Results”. An overview of this area including INLP workshops over past years can be found here

Ivan Bondarenko will present his latest work on “Hierarchical Multitask Learning as Framework for Knowledge Transfer from Domain to Neural Network”.

Victor Nosko will present his latest work on “Hallucination detector in RAG systems”.

Anna Arinicheva will present her latest work on “Diagnosis of Cognitive Distortions in Natural Language Texts”.


Room 3
Workshop - Location: Husky Union Building, Room 332 -

● Panel on future of memory-enabled AGI w.r.t. robotics
● Tutorial Demo from Hanson Robotics on memory for Sophia
● Tutorial Demo from Simuli on memory modules for multi-model systems
● Contest for best use of episodic memory towards Beneficial AGI

Hosted by: 
Rachel St.Clair, CEO Simuli
David Hanson, CEO Hanson Robotics
Chris Kudla, CEO Mind Children

This workshop will explore the emerging paradigm of hyperdimensional computing (HDC) and its potential to provide scalable memory capabilities for artificial general intelligence (AGI), especially in robotic and embodied AI applications. HDC leverages high-dimensional vector representations called hypervectors to enable robust associative memory, rapid learning, and efficient reasoning over multimodal data. These capabilities are critical for AGI systems like large language models and intelligent robots that must rapidly acquire skills from limited experience while operating reliably in complex, noisy environments.
Specific topics will include hyperdimensional memory encoders/retrievers, integrating HDC with deep learning, spatial/visual processing in hypervector spaces, lifelong learning mechanisms, hardware implementations, and applications in robotic perception, control, and decision-making. The workshop will bring together pioneers in HDC, bio-inspired computing, robotics, and machine learning to explore this interdisciplinary path towards more general, memory-enabled AI aligning with neuroscience principles.

Collaboration between Simuli, Hanson Robotics, and Mind Children

12.15am - 1.25pm

Lunch Break

Afternoon Session

1.25pm to 5pm (incl. Coffee Break 2.55pm - 3.10pm)

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam consectetur, odio vitae pretium dignissim, est turpis vulputate turpis, sagittis vulputate urna felis vel erat. Sed ut pretium enim. In luctus, purus ut ullamcorper hendrerit, massa dui volutpat lacus, a sagittis neque odio vel velit.
Donec vel tortor id velit commodo elementum. Curabitur varius dictum est id tempor. Nullam ex elit, varius in rutrum id, lobortis id nisi. Aliquam bibendum diam et sem auctor, quis lacinia turpis mollis.

Room 1
Workshop - Location: Husky Union Building, Room 145 -

This will be an all day workshop, with coffee and lunch breaks.

Afternoon Session Theme will be: Hyperon Applications and Related Projects
Hosted by: Ben Goertzel, Alexey Potapov, Matt IklÃĐ

13:15-14:00PRIMUS, Neoterics, Mind ChildrenBen
14:00-14:30PLN / Pattern MatcherHedra / Nil
14:30-14:45AS-MOSES UpdateEthiopian Team video
14:45-15:00Semantic Parsing Update 
15:00-15:15Coffee Break 
15:30-15:45Rejuve.Bio Neurosymbolic Hypothesis Generation DemoAbdu
15:45-16:15Experiential Learning I:
16:15-16:45Experiential Learning II:
Unity Presentation
17:15-Open DiscussionAll
Room 2
Tutorial & Workshop - Location: Husky Union Building, Room 340 -

Hosted by: Tangrui Li and Bowen Xu

Note: Workshop begins early hrs, 11:30am and will continue to 7:00pm

See Workshop Website for final schedule and workshop details here.


Room 3
Workshop - Location: Husky Union Building, Room 332 -

Hosted by: Pearl Mary S, Ramachandra Kaladharasarguda, Kameshwar Rao Jammalamadaka Venkata, Sneha Deepak Jadhav


Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) stands as a theoretical pinnacle in the realm of AI, representing systems capable of emulating human-like cognitive abilities, including reasoning, learning, and consciousness. The advent of technologies like AutoGPT has prompted discussions on whether it signifies a nascent form of AGI. We utilize AutoGPT to create a self-optimizing MLOps framework, enabling autonomous reasoning and decision-making within workflows for improved efficiency and performance.

Automating ML Workflow with AutoGPT:

The MLOps pipeline ensures seamless transition of models from development to production environments. Our in-house MLOps framework named “Dyna.MLOPs” encompasses key stages such as data collection, preprocessing, model training, evaluation, and deployment, all while emphasizing CI/CD principles. It promotes collaboration, supports multi-cloud environments, and features a modular architecture. Within the Dyna.MLOps platform, we initiate the task of onboarding ML workflows using AutoGPT. Leveraging the power of state-of-the-art Large Language Models (LLMs) such as GPT-3.5 and GPT-4, AutoGPT functions as a semi-autonomous agent interfacing with web applications and services to execute tasks autonomously, guided by user-defined goals. We invoke AutoGPT to undertake a series of steps, from data preprocessing to model evaluation, streamlining the process and enhancing efficiency.

Additionally, we use MLflow for continuous integration (CI), ensuring systematic logging of hyper-parameters, prompts, outputs and the intermediate python files for traceability and reproducibility.

Enhancing Heart Disease Prediction with MLOps Workflow and AGI:

We initiate the automation process by providing an initial prompt that outlines the AI role and objectives. AutoGPT effortlessly takes over from there, leveraging this defined framework to initiate and orchestrate the automation process. The process is outlined below.

  •  Iterative Interaction with LLMs: AutoGPT engages in iterative interactions with LLMs i.e. GPT3.5 turbo/GPT 4 to generate responses and execute commands. This iterative process enables AutoGPT to refine its understanding and adapt its actions accordingly.
  • Seamless Integration with Resources: AutoGPT seamlessly integrates with online resources and local applications relevant to the ML workflow. It accesses data sources, software tools, and services necessary for executing the specified tasks.
  • Agile Traversal of ML Workflow Landscape: Leveraging its agility and precision, AutoGPT navigates through the various stages of the ML workflow. It progresses from data preprocessing to model evaluation, orchestrating each step with efficiency.
  • Comprehensive Tracking with MLflow: Hyperparameters, prompts, outputs, and intermediate files.
  • Automated Model Selection with High Accuracy: AutoGPT identified a Random Forest classifier achieving 99% accuracy for heart disease prediction, which is better than the model selection performed by human experts, replacing traditional trial-and-error methods.
  • Enhanced MLOps Automation: Future advancements could enable the automation of MLOps CD pipelines using custom agents.


BICA*AI Society Virtual Conference

1pm to 3pm

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam consectetur, odio vitae pretium dignissim, est turpis vulputate turpis, sagittis vulputate urna felis vel erat. Sed ut pretium enim. In luctus, purus ut ullamcorper hendrerit, massa dui volutpat lacus, a sagittis neque odio vel velit.
Donec vel tortor id velit commodo elementum. Curabitur varius dictum est id tempor. Nullam ex elit, varius in rutrum id, lobortis id nisi. Aliquam bibendum diam et sem auctor, quis lacinia turpis mollis.

Virtual Conference -

This year BICA*AI Society will run a virtual conference colocated with the AGI-24 conference, being held in Seattle, WA at the UW campus.

Register to attend the BICA*AI-24 Conference (virtual) via the Eventbrite Page.

Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures (BICA) are computational frameworks for building intelligent agents that are inspired from biological intelligence. Biological intelligent systems, notably animals such as humans, have many qualities that are often lacking in artificially designed systems including robustness, flexibility, and adaptability to environments. At a point in time where visibility into naturally intelligent systems is exploding thanks to modern brain imaging and recording techniques, our ability to learn from nature and to build biologically inspired intelligent systems has never been greater. At the same time, the growth in computer science and technology has unleashed enough computational power, that an explosion of intelligent applications from augmented reality to naturally speaking intelligent virtual agents is now certain. The growth in these fields challenges the computational replication of all essential aspects of the human mind (the BICA Challenge), an endeavor which is interdisciplinary in nature and promises to yield bi-directional flow of understanding between all involved disciplines.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam consectetur, odio vitae pretium dignissim, est turpis vulputate turpis, sagittis vulputate urna felis vel erat. Sed ut pretium enim. In luctus, purus ut ullamcorper hendrerit, massa dui volutpat lacus, a sagittis neque odio vel velit.
Donec vel tortor id velit commodo elementum. Curabitur varius dictum est id tempor. Nullam ex elit, varius in rutrum id, lobortis id nisi. Aliquam bibendum diam et sem auctor, quis lacinia turpis mollis.

8:15am – 8:50am

Doors Open

Doors Open

8:15am – 8:50am

Morning Session

9am to 11.45pm

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam consectetur, odio vitae pretium dignissim, est turpis vulputate turpis, sagittis vulputate urna felis vel erat. Sed ut pretium enim. In luctus, purus ut ullamcorper hendrerit, massa dui volutpat lacus, a sagittis neque odio vel velit.
Donec vel tortor id velit commodo elementum. Curabitur varius dictum est id tempor. Nullam ex elit, varius in rutrum id, lobortis id nisi. Aliquam bibendum diam et sem auctor, quis lacinia turpis mollis.

9am - 9.30am
AGI-24 Welcome Remarks -

AGI Society Chairman, Dr. Ben Goertzel

Conference Chair, Dr. Kristinn ThÃģrisson

UW Sponsor, Dr. Scott David

9.30am - 10.30am
Keynote -

Solving One Third of the OEIS from Scratch

- Dr. Josef Urban -

10.30am - 10.45am

Coffee Break 

10.45am - 11.45am
Contributed Papers, Session 1 -

â€Ē Dr. Tyler Cody, “Towards a process algebra and operator theory for learning system objects”
â€Ē Michael Timothy Bennett, “Is Complexity an Illusion?”

â€Ē James Oswald, “A Universal Intelligence Measure for Arithmetical Uncomputable Environments”

Preview Contributed Papers

11.45pm - 12.50pm

Lunch Break

Afternoon Session

12:50pm to 5:50pm

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam consectetur, odio vitae pretium dignissim, est turpis vulputate turpis, sagittis vulputate urna felis vel erat. Sed ut pretium enim. In luctus, purus ut ullamcorper hendrerit, massa dui volutpat lacus, a sagittis neque odio vel velit.
Donec vel tortor id velit commodo elementum. Curabitur varius dictum est id tempor. Nullam ex elit, varius in rutrum id, lobortis id nisi. Aliquam bibendum diam et sem auctor, quis lacinia turpis mollis.

12.50pm - 1.35pm
Keynote -

Development of Hyperon-Based Minds: PRIMUS, Neoterics, Mind Children

- Dr. Ben Goertzel -

1.35pm - 2.35pm
Keynote -

A Blueprint for AGI: Integrating Cognitive Architecture & Generative Models

- Dr. John Laird -

2.35pm - 2.50pm

Coffee Break 

2.50pm - 3.50pm
Contributed Papers, Session 2 -

â€Ē Dr. David Ireland, “Mirabile Dictu: Language Acquisition in the Non-Axiomatic Reasoning System”
â€Ē Dr. Rafal Rzepka, “Semantic Primes-Inspired Tacit Knowledge Dataset for Simulating Basic Perception Capabilities of Cognitive Architectures”
â€Ē Dr. Pulin Agrawal, “Generative AI Can Be Creative Too”

Preview Contributed Papers

3.50pm - 4.50pm
Keynote -

The current progress of AI capabilities via LLMs and image models is driven by replicating human generated patterns. It is currently unclear if this approach is intrinsically limited to the human performance present in the training data, and how to extend it far beyond the human level. Let us discuss the differences of current AI concepts to the principles of self organization present in the human mind and more generally in the development of minds, organisms and organizations in nature. Can we discover ideas that allow us to develop new generations of more efficient, intentional and intelligent artificial minds?

- Dr. Joscha Bach -

4.50pm - 5.50pm
Keynote -

Intelligence remains a difficult concept to define, despite many attempts at doing so. Rather than trying to settle on a single notion, this talk proposes a nested hierarchy of three levels of intelligence – immediate, cumulative, and full-spectrum – along with a sequence of concepts that build up to them. Implications from this hierarchy are then leveraged in exploring six additional, and occasionally even more controversial, topics: the intelligence space, the intelligence singularity, large language models (LLMs), AI safety & ethics, intellectual property, and free will.

- Dr. Paul Rosenbloom -

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam consectetur, odio vitae pretium dignissim, est turpis vulputate turpis, sagittis vulputate urna felis vel erat. Sed ut pretium enim. In luctus, purus ut ullamcorper hendrerit, massa dui volutpat lacus, a sagittis neque odio vel velit.
Donec vel tortor id velit commodo elementum. Curabitur varius dictum est id tempor. Nullam ex elit, varius in rutrum id, lobortis id nisi. Aliquam bibendum diam et sem auctor, quis lacinia turpis mollis.

8:15am – 8:50am

Doors Open

Doors Open

8:15am – 8:50am

Morning Session

9am to 12.15pm

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam consectetur, odio vitae pretium dignissim, est turpis vulputate turpis, sagittis vulputate urna felis vel erat. Sed ut pretium enim. In luctus, purus ut ullamcorper hendrerit, massa dui volutpat lacus, a sagittis neque odio vel velit.
Donec vel tortor id velit commodo elementum. Curabitur varius dictum est id tempor. Nullam ex elit, varius in rutrum id, lobortis id nisi. Aliquam bibendum diam et sem auctor, quis lacinia turpis mollis.

9am - 10am
Keynote -

General intelligence: Define It, Measure It, Build It

- Dr. François Chollet -

10am - 11am
Contributed Papers, Session 3 -

â€Ē Berick Cook, “Autonomous Intelligent Reinforcement Inferred Symbolism”
â€Ē Dr. Arash Sheikhlar, “Causal Generalization via Goal-Driven Analogy”
â€Ē Dr. Bowen Xu, “Causal Inference in NARS”

Preview Contributed Papers

11am - 11:15am

Coffee Break 

11.15am - 12.15pm
Keynote -

Quantum computers have, so far, not delivered on their promise. Here I will introduce a novel class of zero-sum fully observed games, where terminal state evaluation requires solving problems where quantum supremacy has already been claimed. I’ll introduce a specific instance of this type of game called Tangled. I’ll describe a variant of the AlphaZero algorithm for training game-playing agents on these game types, that uses currently available quantum computers to evaluate terminal states. This new kind of game-playing AI has the potential to play these types of games better than any possible agent without access to a quantum computer. My hope is that this will lead to the first demonstration of quantum utility — where quantum supremacy is used to do something useful better than you could do with any classical computer.

- Dr. Geordie Rose -

12.15pm - 1.20pm

Lunch Break

Afternoon Session

1.20pm to 5.35pm

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam consectetur, odio vitae pretium dignissim, est turpis vulputate turpis, sagittis vulputate urna felis vel erat. Sed ut pretium enim. In luctus, purus ut ullamcorper hendrerit, massa dui volutpat lacus, a sagittis neque odio vel velit.
Donec vel tortor id velit commodo elementum. Curabitur varius dictum est id tempor. Nullam ex elit, varius in rutrum id, lobortis id nisi. Aliquam bibendum diam et sem auctor, quis lacinia turpis mollis.

1.20pm - 2.20pm
Keynote -

In the time of Alan Turing, a ‘computer’ was a person, often a woman, who meticulously performed complex calculations. Turing biomimicked this work as the Turing machine, forming the foundation for modern computing, including LLMs. However, he omitted the element of care, which motivated these computations. In this talk, I’ll present the need for a mathematical framework that accounts for the relationships that motivate our computational efforts, the fabric of belonging by which we make sense together. I’ll show how category theory provides an articulate language for this discourse. As we transition into the age of AGI, understanding how we contribute to this fabric of belonging is becoming imperative.

- Dr. David Spivak -

2.20pm - 3.20pm
Contributed Papers, Session 4 -

â€Ē Vincent Abbott, “Category Theory for Artificial General Intelligence”
â€Ē King Yin Yan, “AGI from the perspectives of categorical logic and algebraic geometry”

â€Ē Michael Timothy Bennett, “Computational Dualism and Objective Superintelligence”

Preview Contributed Papers

3.20pm - 3.35pm

Coffee Break 

3.35pm - 4.35pm
Keynote -

Artificial intelligence (AI) is swiftly becoming one of the pivotal technologies of this century. Deep neural networks, trained by the backpropagation of errors algorithm, centrally drive many of AI’s impressive results. Nevertheless, the ubiquitous adoption of these kinds of models has highlighted some important limitations and practical shortcomings such as high energy inefficiency, lack of robustness, and biological implausibility. In addressing these issues, an interdisciplinary branch of AI research has emerged – biomimetic intelligence – which lies at the intersection of neuroscience, cognitive science, and machine learning, fostering the development of approaches motivated by neurocognitive theories. One such theory is known as predictive coding (PC), which has lead to the development of a new class of computational neuronal models that have shown promising performance across various machine intelligence tasks.

This talk will foreground research in this direction, highlighting the many ways that PC might play a role in the future of machine learning, brain-inspired computing, and biomimetic intelligence in general. Next, we will explore promising efforts in casting PC’s neuronal dynamics in terms of spike trains; these lay the foundation for the development of real time, adaptive neuromorphic processing systems capable of addressing the prohibitive energy inefficiency inherent to modern-day neural architectures, including generative-pretrained transformers. To conclude, we finally consider the future challenges that lie ahead in making PC-based schemes more widely adopted in practical applications.

- Dr. Alex Ororbia -

4.35pm - 5.35pm
Presentation Session

The AGI-24 conference features a diverse range of accepted posters, showcasing groundbreaking research and innovations in artificial general intelligence (AGI). These posters highlight advances in areas such as cognitive architectures, machine learning frameworks, ethical considerations, and novel approaches to AGI development. Each presentation offers a glimpse into cutting-edge work, pushing the boundaries of what AGI can achieve and sparking interdisciplinary discussions that could shape the future of AI. The poster session provides an opportunity for attendees to engage directly with researchers and explore emerging trends in AGI research.


Conference Reception & Desdemona's Dream Band Performance

Burke Museum, 4303 Memorial Way Northeast, Seattle, WA 98195

7pm – 11pm

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam consectetur, odio vitae pretium dignissim, est turpis vulputate turpis, sagittis vulputate urna felis vel erat. Sed ut pretium enim. In luctus, purus ut ullamcorper hendrerit, massa dui volutpat lacus, a sagittis neque odio vel velit.
Donec vel tortor id velit commodo elementum. Curabitur varius dictum est id tempor. Nullam ex elit, varius in rutrum id, lobortis id nisi. Aliquam bibendum diam et sem auctor, quis lacinia turpis mollis.

8:15am – 8:50am

Doors Open

Doors Open

8:15am – 8:50am

Morning Session

9am to 12.15pm

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam consectetur, odio vitae pretium dignissim, est turpis vulputate turpis, sagittis vulputate urna felis vel erat. Sed ut pretium enim. In luctus, purus ut ullamcorper hendrerit, massa dui volutpat lacus, a sagittis neque odio vel velit.
Donec vel tortor id velit commodo elementum. Curabitur varius dictum est id tempor. Nullam ex elit, varius in rutrum id, lobortis id nisi. Aliquam bibendum diam et sem auctor, quis lacinia turpis mollis.

9am - 10am
Keynote -

Taming Silicon Valley: How to Get to an AGI That is Good for the Many and Not Just the Few

- Dr. Gary Marcus -

10am - 11am
Contributed Papers, Session 5 -

â€Ē Dr. Kristinn R. ThÃģrisson & Gregorio Talevi, “A Theory of Foundational Meaning Generation in Autonomous Systems, Natural & Artificial”
â€Ē Leonard M. Eberding, “Argument-Driven Planning & Autonomous Explanation Generation”
â€Ē Arisa Yasuda, “Human-Robot Trust in the Age of Artificial General Intelligence: The Case of Care Robots”

Preview Contributed Papers

11am - 11:15am

Coffee Break 

11.15am - 12:15pm
Keynote -

For AI to become artificial general intelligence, AI must operate with characteristics of living beings: the AI must care about the survival of life, it must remember experiences and adapt and spontaneously evolve to meet the needs of life, and it must do so with emergent insights and creations. This talk proposes a minimalistic approach to achieving these characteristics with today’s technology. This talk also argues the philosophy that such living AGI is necessary for AI to symbiotically evolve with us, to care about humans, and thereby solve the alignment problem. The talk then covers a practical framework under development, and some simple working examples.

- Dr. David Hanson​ -

12:15pm - 1.20pm

Lunch Break

Afternoon Session

1.20pm to 5.20pm

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam consectetur, odio vitae pretium dignissim, est turpis vulputate turpis, sagittis vulputate urna felis vel erat. Sed ut pretium enim. In luctus, purus ut ullamcorper hendrerit, massa dui volutpat lacus, a sagittis neque odio vel velit.
Donec vel tortor id velit commodo elementum. Curabitur varius dictum est id tempor. Nullam ex elit, varius in rutrum id, lobortis id nisi. Aliquam bibendum diam et sem auctor, quis lacinia turpis mollis.

1.20pm - 2.20pm
Keynote -

Why Consciousness is Fundamentally Distinct from Intelligence

- Dr. Christof Koch -

2.20pm - 3.20pm
Contributed Papers, Session 6 -

â€Ē Izak Tait, “Clipping the Risks: Integrating Consciousness in AGI to Avoid Existential Crises”
â€Ē Dr. Peter Boltuc, “Human-AGI Gemeinschaft as the Alignment Solution”
â€Ē Dr. Craig Kaplan, “A Collective Intelligence Approach to Safe Artificial General Intelligence”

Preview Contributed Papers

3.20pm - 3.35pm

Coffee Break 

3.35pm - 4.20pm
Keynote -

AIs are Breeding via Humans: Image Generation Example

- Dr. Alexey Potapov -

4.20pm - 5.05pm
Keynote -

Experiential Learning

- Dr. Patrick Hammer -

5.05pm - 5.20pm
Closing Remarks and Awards Announcements -

- Dr. Ben Goertzel & Dr. Kristinn ThÃģrisson -