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Accepted Posters

List of accepted posters for the current AGI 2022 Conference including links to their submitted documents and videos.


Paper Title

Charles Simon

A Biologically Plausible Graph Structure for AGI

Shimon Komarovsky

Hierarchical temporal DNN and Associative knowledge representation

Cengiz Erbas

A General Purpose Machine Reasoning Engine

Christina Sarkisyan, Mikhail Savelov, Alexey Kovalev and Aleksandr Panov

Graph Strategy for Interpretable Visual Question Answering

Shimon Komarovsky

Dynamic and Evolving Neural Network for event discrimination

Alexey Potapov, Anatoly Belikov, Oleg Scherbakov and Vitaly Bogdanov

General-Purpose Minecraft Agents and Hybrid AGI

Pieter ter Doest

The Delta Normal AGI

Linas Vepstas

Purely Symbolic Induction of Structure

Wael Hafez

Information as Entanglement—A Framework for Artificial General Intelligence

Anton Kolonin, Ali Raheman, Mukul Vishwas, Ikram Ansari, Juan Pinzon and Alice Ho

Causal Analysis of Generic Time Series Data Applied for Market Prediction

Howard Schneider

Analogical Problem Solving in the Causal Cognitive Architecture

Lamine Faty, Khadim Drame, Edouard Ngor Sarr, Marie Ndiaye, Ibrahima Diop, Yoro Dia and Ousmane Sall

COMFO: Multilingual Corpus for Opinion Mining

Igor Pivovarov and Sergey Shumsky

MARTI-4: new model of human brain, considering neocortex and basal ganglia – learns to play Atari game by reinforcement learning on a single CPU

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The AGI Society has hosted the AGI Conference series since 2008.


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