The proceedings are available on Springer’s website.
FRIDAY, August 1, 2014: Tutorial Day
- 9:00-12:00PM, Sigma Tutorial, Paul Rosenbloom (slides | video)
- 10:45-11:15AM, Coffee break
- 12:00PM, Lunch Break
- 2:00-5:00PM, OpenCog Tutorial, Ben Goertzel (video), Ruiting Lian (video), Cosmo Harrigan (video), Amen Belayneh
- 3:45-4:15PM, Coffee break
SATURDAY, August 2, 2014
- 9:00AM, Conference Intro, Ben Goertzel (video)
- 9:30AM, Keynote, Yoshua Bengio (slides | video)
- 10:45AM, Coffee Break
- 11:15AM, Keynote, Richard Granger (video)
- 12:30PM, Lunch Break
- 2:00PM, Contributed Talks, Session 1
- 3:20PM, Coffee Break
- 3:50PM, Contributed Talks, Session 2
- 5:10PM, Rest Break
- 5:30-6:25PM, Contributed Talks, Session 3
SUNDAY, August 3, 2014
- 9:00AM, Reinforcement Learning Tutorial, Peter Sunehag (slides | video)
- 10:30AM, Coffee Break
- 11:00AM, Keynote, Alexander Wissner-Gross (slides | video)
- 12:30PM, Lunch Break
- 2:00PM, Contributed Talks, Session 4
- 3:20PM, Coffee Break
- 3:50PM, Contributed Talks, Session 5
- 4:50PM, Poster Boaster Session
- 5:20-6:20PM, Poster Session
- 7:30PM, Optional Conference Dinner (off-site)
MONDAY, August 4, 2014
- 9:00AM, MicroPsi Tutorial, Joscha Bach (video)
- 10:45AM, Coffee Break
- 11:15AM, Contributed Talks, Session 6
- 12:35PM, Lunch
- 2:00PM, AGI Roadmapping Session (video)
- 3:45PM, Coffee Break
- 4:15-6:00PM, Special Session on AGI and Cognitive Science
Talks are 15min for long papers, 10min for short papers. Each Talk Session ends with a panel discussion of 20min. Posters will be alloted 5min each for oral presentation in the Poster Boaster Session, right before the Poster Session.
Session 1 – Chair: Paul Rosenbloom
Éric Nivel, Kristinn R. Thórisson, Bas R. Steunebrink and Juergen Schmidhuber (pdf | bib)
Bounded Seed-AGI
Claes Strannegård, Abdul Rahim Nizamani and Ulf Persson (pdf | bib | video)
A General System for Learning and Reasoning in Symbolic Domains
Seng-Beng Ho (pdf | bib | video)
On Effective Causal Learning
Éric Grégoire, Jean-Marie Lagniez and Bertrand Mazure (pdf | bib | video)
A General Artificial Intelligence Approach for Skeptical Reasoning
panel discussion (video)
Session 2 – Chair: Bas Steunebrink
Simon Levy, Charles Lowney, William Meroney and Ross Gayler (pdf | bib | video)
Bracketing the Beetle: How Wittgenstein’s Understanding of Language Can Guide Our Practice in AGI and Cognitive Science
Mark Waser (pdf | bib | video)
Instructions for Engineering Sustainable People
Dan Ventura (pdf | bib | video)
Can a Computer be Lucky? And Other Ridiculous Questions Posed by Computational Creativity
Jordi Bieger, Kristinn R. Thórisson and Deon Garrett (pdf | bib | slides | video)
Raising AI: Tutoring Matters
panel discussion (video)
Session 3 – Chair: Joscha Bach
Naveen Sundar Govindarajulu, John Licato and Selmer Bringsjord (pdf | bib | video)
Toward a Formalization of QA Problem Classes
Francis Leconte, François Michaud and François Ferland (pdf | bib | slides | video)
Fusion Adaptive Resonance Theory Networks Used As Episodic Memory for An Autonomous Robot
Melissa Johnson and Sylvain Chartier (pdf | bib | video)
Increasing Accuracy in a Bidirectional Associative Memory through Expended Databases
panel discussion (video)
Session 4 – Chair: Laurent Orseau
Swapnil Shah (pdf | bib | slides)
Quantum Mechanical Foundations of Causal Entropic Forces
Eray Özkural (pdf | bib | video)
An Application of Stochastic Context Sensitive Grammar Induction to Transfer Learning
Alexey Potapov and Sergey Rodionov (pdf | bib | slides | video)
Making Universal Induction Efficient by Specialization
Peter Sunehag and Marcus Hutter (pdf | bib | video)
Intelligence as Inference or Forcing Occam on the World
panel discussion (video)
Session 5 – Chair: Peter Sunehag
Benja Fallenstein and Nate Soares (pdf | bib | slides | video)
Problems of self-reference in self-improving space-time embedded intelligence
Laurent Orseau (pdf | bib | slides | video)
The Multi-Slot Framework: A Formal Model for Multiple, Copiable AIs
Laurent Orseau (pdf | bib | slides | video)
Teleporting Universal Intelligent Agents
panel discussion (video)
Samer Schaat, Alexander Wendt, Matthias Jakubec, Friedrich Gelbard, Lukas Herret and Dietmar Dietrich (pdf | bib | slides | video)
ARS: An AGI Agent Architecture
Volkan Ustun, Paul Rosenbloom, Kenji Sagae and Abram Demski (pdf | bib | slides | video)
Distributed Vector Representations of Words in the Sigma Cognitive Architecture
David Pynadath, Paul Rosenbloom and Stacy Marsella (pdf | bib | slides | video)
Reinforcement Learning for Adaptive Theory of Mind in the Sigma Cognitive Architecture
Ladislau Bölöni (pdf | bib | slides | video)
Autobiography based prediction in a situated AGI agent
panel discussion (video)
Special Session on AGI and Cognitive Science – Chair: Joscha Bach
Vadim Bulitko (video)
Flow as Meta Control
Kristinn R. Thórisson (video)
What Should AGI Learn from AI & CogSci?
Joscha Bach (video)
Artificial General Intelligence as a Foundational Discipline in Cognitive Science
Glenn Gunzelmann (video)
The Role of Cognitive Science in Artificial General Intelligence
panel discussion (video)
Poster Session – Chair: Ben Goertzel
Banafsheh Rekabdar, Monica Nicolescu, Richard Kelley and Mircea Nicolescu (pdf | bib | slides | video)
Unsupervised Learning of Spatio-Temporal Patterns Using Spike Timing Dependent Plasticity
Christophe Tremblay, Bradley Harding, Sylvain Chartier and Denis Cousineau (pdf | bib | video)
System Factorial Technology applied to Artificial Neural Network Information Processing
Ben Goertzel and Gino Yu (pdf | bib | slides | video)
A Cognitive API and its Application to AGI Intelligence Assessment
Cosmo Harrigan, Ben Goertzel, Matthew Ikle and Amen Belayneh (pdf | bib | slides | video)
Guiding Probabilistic Logical Inference with Nonlinear Dynamical Attention Allocation
Bill Hibbard (pdf | bib | slides | video)
Self-Modeling Agents Evolving in Our Finite Universe
Michael O. Vertolli, Matthew A. Kelly and Jim Davies (pdf | bib | slides | video)
Compression and Decompression in Cognition
Renato Costalima, Amauri Souza Júnior, Gustavo Campos and Cidcley T. de Souza (pdf | bib | slides | video)
MInD: don’t use agents as objects
Kevin Raison and Steven Lytinen (pdf | bib | slides | video)
Affective Agent Architecture: A Preliminary Research Report