
Organizing Committee

  • Marcus Hutter, (Conference Chair), Australian National University

  • Eric Baum (Program Co-chair), Baum Research Enterprises
  • Emanuel Kitzelmann (Program Co-chair), University of Bamberg
  • Tsvi Achler, (Demonstrations Chair), University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
  • Carlo Lepori, (Treasurer), IDSIA
  • Ben Goertzel, Novamente LLC
  • David Orban, Singularity University
  • Stephen Reed,
  • Sarah Bull, NICTA

Local Organizing Committee

  • Juergen Schmidhuber, (Local Conference Chair), IDSIA
  • Albino Zgraggen, CFO of the University of Lugano/USI
  • Carlo Lepori, CFO of IDSIA
  • Mauro Pezze, Dean of the Faculty of Informatics of USI

Program Committee

  • Igor Aleksander, Imperial College London
  • Sebastian Bader, University of Rostock, Germany
  • Anselm Blumer, Tufts University
  • Hugo de Garis, Xiamen University
  • Wlodek Duch, Nicolaus Copernicus University
  • Artur Garcez, City University London, UK
  • Marco Gori, University of Siena, Italy
  • J. Storrs Hall, Institute for Molecular Manufacturing
  • Benjamin Johnston, Sydney U. of Technology
  • Bert Kappen, Radboud University, The Netherlands
  • Emanuel Kitzelmann, Otto-Friedrich Universitat Bamberg
  • Kai-Uwe Kühnberger, University of Osnabrück, Germany
  • Christian Lebiere, Carnegie Mellon University
  • Shane Legg, University College London
  • Moshe Looks, Google Research
  • András Lörincz, Eotvos Lorand University, Hungary
  • Hassan Mahmud, Australian National University
  • Eric Nivel, Reykjavik University
  • Jan Poland, ABB Research, Zurich, Switzerland
  • Brandon Rohrer, Sandia National Laboratory
  • Sebastian Rudolph, University of Karlsruhe, Germany
  • Robert Schapire, Princeton University
  • Lokendra Shastri, Infosys Technologies Ltd
  • Ray Solomonoff, Oxbridge Research
  • Rich Sutton, University of Alberta
  • Kristinn Thórisson, Reykjavik University
  • Lyle Ungar, University of Pennsylvania
  • Les Valiant, Harvard University
  • Marco Wiering, University of Utrecht
  • Mary-Anne Williams, Sydney U. of Tech.
  • David Wolpert, Ames Research Center, NASA