
Keynote speakers:

  • Christian Calude, Auckland University, “Incomputability: Theory vs. Practice”
    Abstract. Incompleteness and incomputability have been long used as arguments against (strong) AI, and, in particular, against the practicality of “doing mathematics with computers”. In sharp contrast, recent AI successes — driverless cars, voice recognition, deep learning (for example, mastery of the game Go) and proof-assistants, to name only a few — show how much machines can do. Do we have a disagreement between theory and practice? Is the disagreement significant? Can theory be still relevant for practice? Can incomputability and incompleteness be even beneficial for AI practice? The talk will discuss answers to the above questions.
  • Marcus Hutter, Australian National University, “Advances in Universal Artificial Intelligence” (video)
  • Peter Cheeseman, Revolutionary Machines, “Recursively Self-Improving AI”
  • Elkhonon Goldberg, NYU School of Medicine, “Tinkering with AI architectures: Insights from the biological brain.”