Click here for the list of conference videos.
Wednesday 8/3
- 8am: Registration, light breakfast
- 9am: LIDA Tutorial
- 10:30am: Morning coffee break
- 11:00am; LIDA Tutorial cont.
- 1pm Lunch
- 2pm: OpenCog Tutorial (Ben Goertzel, Zhenhua Cai)
- 4pm: Afternoon coffee break
- 4:30pm: Probabilistic Programs: A New Language for AI (Noah Goodman)
- 6:30pm: End of day, doors close
Thursday 8/4
- 8am: Registration, light breakfast
- 9am: Self-Programming Workshop
- 11: Morning coffee break
- 11:30am: Self-Programming Workshop cont.
- 1pm: Lunch
- 2pm: Future of AGI Workshop, Part I: Ethics of Advanced AGI
- Workshop intro: Ben Goertzel
- Steve Omohundro, Design Principles for a Safe and Beneficial AGI Infrastructure
- Anna Salamon, Can Whole Brain Emulation help us build safe AGI?
- Carl Shulman, Risk-averse preferences as AGI safety technique
- Mark Waser, Rational Universal Benevolence: Simpler, Safer, and Wiser than “Friendly AI”
- Itamar Arel, Reward Driven Learning and the Risk of an Adversarial Artificial General Intelligence
- Ahmed Abdel-Fattah & Kai-Uwe Kuehnberger, Remarks on the Feasibility and the Ethical Challenges of a Next Milestone in AGI
- Matt Chapman, Maximizing The Power of Open-Source for AGI
- Ben Goertzel and Joel Pitt, Nine Ways to Bias Open-Source AGI Toward Friendliness
- 3:20PM Future of AGI Workshop Panel Discussion
- 4-4:30pm: Afternoon coffee break
- 4:30PM: Future of AGI Workshop, Part II
- Florin Popescu, What is Dexterity?
- Alessandro Oltramari, Visual Intelligence Beyond Representation
- J. Storrs Hall, The Economics of Singularity
- Bill Hibbard, The End of Rough Equality of Intelligence
- John Smart, The Brain Preservation Prize: The Mouse Connectome as a Path to Natural and Artificial Intelligence
- 5:30pm: Future of AGI Workshop Panel Discussion
- 6:15pm: Workshop concludes
- 7pm: Conference banquet
- 8pm: Opening remarks (Moshe Looks, Peter Norvig)
- 8:15pm: Mapping the AGI Landscape: Results of the AGI Roadmap Workshop (Ben Goertzel)
- 8:30-9:30pm: Keynote 1: Ernst Dickmanns
- 10pm: Doors close
Friday 8/5
- 8am: Registration, light breakfast
- 8:45am: Opening Remarks (Moshe Looks)
- 9am: Keynote 2: Aaron Sloman, The biological bases of mathematical competences: a challenge for AGI
- 10am: Keynote 3: Ed Boyden
- 11-11:30am: Morning coffee break
- 11:30: Session 1: Architectures, Part 1
- Javier Snaider, Ryan Mccall and Stan Franklin. The LIDA Framework as a General Tool for AGI
- Paul Rosenbloom. From Memory to Problem Solving: Mechanism Reuse in a Graphical Cognitive Architecture
- Joscha Bach. A Motivational System for Cognitive AI
- Zhenhua Cai, Ben Goertzel and Nil Geisweiller. OpenPsi: Realizing Dorner’s ”Psi” Cognitive Model in the OpenCog Integrative AGI Architecture
- Matthew Ikle and Ben Goertzel. Nonlinear-Dynamical Attention Allocation via Information Geometry
- 12:30: Session 1 panel
- 1pm: Lunch
- 2:30pm: Neuro session (AGI + Neuroscience)
- Randal A. Koene. AGI and Neuroscience: Open Sourcing the Brain
- Serge Thill. Considerations for a neuroscience-inspired approach to the design of artificial intelligent systems
- Andrew Coward. Brain anatomy and artificial intelligence
- Janelle Szary, Bryan Kerster and Christopher Kello. What Makes a Brain Smart? Reservoir Computing as an Approach for General Intelligence
- Murray Shanahan, Artificial General Intelligence Requires Consciousness
- 3:30pm: Neuro session panel
- 4:30pm: Afternoon break with ample refreshments
- 5:00pm: Demo session
- 6:30pm: Poster session
- 8pm: Doors close
Poster Papers (all papers)
Saturday 8/6
- 8am: Registration, light breakfast
- 9am: Keynote 4: Zhongzhi Shi
- 9:30am: Session 2
- Laurent Orseau and Mark Ring. Self-Modification and Mortality in Artificial Agents
- Mark Ring and Laurent Orseau. Delusion, Survival, and Intelligent Agents
- David L. Dowe, Jose Hernandez-Orallo and Paramjit K. Das. Compression and intelligence: social environments and communication
- Jose Hernandez-Orallo, David L. Dowe, Sergio España-Cubillo, M.Victoria Hernandez-Lloreda and Javier Insa-Cabrera. On more realistic environment distributions for defining, evaluating and developing intelligence
- Javier Insa-Cabrera, David L. Dowe, Sergio España-Cubillo, M.Victoria Hernandez-Lloreda and Jose Hernandez-Orallo. Comparing humans and AI agents
- 10:30am: Session 2 panel
- 11am: Morning coffee break
- 11:30am: Session 3: Architectures, Part 2
- Haris Dindo, Antonio Chella, Giuseppe La Tona, Monica Vitali, Eric Nivel and Kristinn Thórisson. Learning Problem Solving Skills from Demonstration: An Architectural Approach
- Alessandro Oltramari and Christian Lebiere. Extending Cognitive Architectures with Semantic Resources
- Unmesh Kurup, Christian Lebiere and Anthony Stentz. Integrating Perception and Action for AGI
- Benjamin Johnston.The Collection of Physical Knowledge and its Application in Intelligent Systems
- 12:20pm: Session 3 panel
- 12:50pm: Lunch and (optional) business meeting
- 2:10pm: AGI Network Relaunch
- 2:30pm: Session 4
- Tobias Glasmachers and Jürgen Schmidhuber. Optimal Direct Policy Search
- Yi Sun, Faustino Gomez and Juergen Schmidhuber. Planning to Be Surprised: Optimal Bayesian Exploration in Dynamic Environments
- Tom Schaul, Leo Pape, Tobias Glasmachers, Vincent Graziano and Juergen Schmidhuber. Coherence Progress: A Measure of Interestingness Based on Fixed Compressors
- Juergen Schmidhuber, Dan Ciresan, Ueli Meier, Jonathan Masci and Alex Graves. On Fast Deep Nets for AGI Vision
- Linus Gisslen, Matt Luciw, Vincent Graziano and Jürgen Schmidhuber. Sequential Constant Size Compressors and Reinforcement Learning
- Derek Monner and James Reggia. Systematically Grounding Language through Vision in a Deep, Recurrent Neural Network
- 3:45pm: Session 4 panel
- 4:15pm: Afternoon coffee break
- 4:45pm: Session 5
- Samuel Epstein and Margrit Betke. An Information Theoretic Representation of Agent Dynamics as Set Intersections
- Sergio Pissanetzky. Structural Emergence in Partially Ordered Sets is the Key to Intelligence
- Florin Popescu. Wagging the dog: human vs. machine inference of causality in visual sequences.
- Helmar Gust, Ulf Krumnack, Maricarmen Martinez, Ahmed Abdel-Fattah, Martin Schmidt and Kai-Uwe Kuenburger. Rationality and General Intelligence
- 5:35pm: Session 5 panel
- 6:05pm: Closing announcements (Moshe Looks, Ben Goertzel)
- 6:15pm: End of conference
- 7pm: doors close
- OpenCog Workshop
- Probabilistic Programs
- Self-Programming Workshop
- Self-Programming Panel Discussion
- The Future of AGI Workshop, Part I – Ethics of Advanced AGI
- The Future of AGI Workshop, Part II
- Thursday Evening Opening Remarks – Moshe Looks and Peter Norvig
- Mapping the Landscape of AGI (Ben Goertzel)
- Thursday Evening Keynote – Ernst Dickmanns
- Friday Morning Keynote Sessions (Sloman and Boyden)
- AGI Architectures Part I
- AGI and Neuroscience
- Saturday Keynote – Zhongzhi Shi
- Saturday Session 2
- Session 3, Architectures Part II
- Session 4
- Session 5