Call For Papers

AGI-10 Press Release

March 5-8 (Fri-Mon), 2010 Lugano, Switzerland

Paper submission for AGI-2010 opens October 1. A good sense of the overall nature of the conference may be found via perusing, the website of last year’s AGI conference, or the preliminary call for papers.

The main conference poster shows AGI’s mission and key information.

Paper Submissions to AGI-10 are now CLOSED.

Please contact AGI with any questions. Acceptance notifications have been sent; please email if you have not received your notification.

All accepted papers are required to have at least one registered author per paper. Multiple papers require multiple registrations. AGI Registration Page.

Submissions for demonstrations, tutorials, or workshops at the conference are still open, so please submit any proposals to that page. All AGI demonstration submissions must be in by 15 January 2010; tutorial and workshop submissions are due by 15 February 2010.

Conference Mission

Continuing the mission of the highly successful First and Second AGI Conferences, AGI-10 will gather an international group of leading academic and industry researchers involved in serious scientific and engineering work aimed directly toward the goal of artificial general intelligence. This is the only major conference series devoted wholly and specifically to the creation of AI systems possessing general intelligence at the human level and ultimately beyond. By gathering together active researchers in the field, for presentation of results and discussion of ideas, we accelerate our progress toward our common goal.

Important Dates

Oct. 1, 2009 – Registration Opens
December 1, 2009 – Paper Submissions [NOTE: Deadline has been extended from October 15]
Dec. 20, 2009 – Acceptance notifications
Jan. 3, 2010 – Camera-ready Copy

Artificial General Intelligence

The original goal of the AI field was the construction of “thinking machines” – that is, computer systems with human-like general intelligence. Due to the difficulty of this task, for the last few decades the majority of AI researchers have focused on what has been called “narrow AI” – the production of AI systems displaying intelligence regarding specific, highly constrained tasks.
In recent years, however, more and more researchers have recognized the necessity – and feasibility – of returning to the original goals of the field. Increasingly, there is a call for a transition back to confronting the more difficult issues of “human level intelligence” and more broadly “artificial general intelligence (AGI).”

Paper Submissions


Submissions should be submitted electronically to EasyChair

(you may need to Create an EasyChair Account first).

Whether an accepted paper (either full-length or short position statement) will be presented as a talk or as a poster will be determined by the Program Committee, in part based on paper quality as assessed by the anonymous reviewers, and in part according to the extent the paper addresses a topic of core interest to the AGI community.

The acceptance of a paper is based on the assumption that one of the authors will attend the conference to present the paper. Any questions can be directed to one of the conference chairs.


AGI-10 will accept two types of submissions: full-length papers (6 pages) and short position statements (2 pages). Submissions should generally, but not strictly, follow AAAI guidelines using one of the following templates (appreciation goes to AAAI for allowing us to use their docs as a guide):

Final Camera Ready Version

Final papers should be submitted electronically to EasyChair no later than 1 January 2010 (use your EasyChair account and click on Proceedings -> Papers -> Submit Final Version).

Final versions must be in pdf (only) and strictly adhere to the format specified in the acceptance email, i.e. 2 pages for position papers and 6 pages for full papers using one of the style files above. Late or wrongly formatted papers cannot be included in the proceedings.


Atlantis Press adheres to the creative commons policy which means they will (in February) only ask permission to publish the paper, but not the ownership, i.e. you will keep the copyright.